Prayer Warriors Needed – Rise Up, Prayer Warrior

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Calling all prayer warriors! If there were ever a time for Prayer Warriors, now is the time. Let’s rise up together! Prayer Warriors are needed!

We’ve been called to battle. Not a battle of this world, but of the spiritual realm. As believers, we need prayer warriors on our knees in prayer and to join in the battle for God’s Kingdom.

Become a Prayer Warrior

Friend, a prayer warrior is any believer in Jesus Christ willing to step up and pray. Praying is a “yes” to join in the spiritual battle and commit to praying.

You can be a prayer warrior if you’ve been a Christian for 30 minutes or 30 years. It’s part of our privilege and position as children of God.

Please do not believe you have to say certain words or pray for 8 hours a day, or that you’re just “not that type of person”. That’s not how it works. When we believe those things, we are giving up one of our greatest gifts.

If there’s anything you take away from today, it’s to just come and pray to God, the Creator, Sustainer, and Exalted One above all things.

The Privilege of Participating with God

First things first. We have the privilege to participate with God because of Jesus. He qualifies you the moment you trust Him in faith as the Lord and Savior of your life.

This is one of our greatest privileges and weapons on this earth!

We grow the more we come to God in prayer, through praying His Word, and through reading His Word.

Prayers Are Powerful

We’re told in James 5:16 The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

Again, God has given Jesus Christ to us as our righteousness. In ourselves, we are not righteous but God has made us perfectly righteous when he put us in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21)

Let this sink in!!

God looks at Christ and sees Him perfectly righteous, so He looks at us and sees perfectly righteous because we are in Him.

(This is where we say THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!)

We’ve been given the privilege to communicate with the One that has authority over all things! We can now come boldly to His throne of grace. (Hebrews 4:16)

What do prayer warriors do?

So what exactly do prayer warriors do? Prayer warriors come to God with boldness and confidence, because of Jesus Christ our Savior. We humble ourselves and pray in Jesus’ Name, relying on the Holy Spirit. We ask that God’s perfect will be done on earth and trust that His will is greater and more perfect than anything our eyes can see or imagine.

Matthew 6:5-15 teaches us how to pray. Jesus tells us to come to the Father in secret. He says, “Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Prayer Warriors Come To God with Boldness & Confidence

Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.

It’s always because of Jesus. Because of Him, we are able to boldly approach the throne of God.

Ask in Jesus’ Name

I tell you the truth, you will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you use my name. You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy. John 16:23-24

This isn’t willy-nilly, ask for whatever you want and Jesus the Genie will grant it. Jesus’ name is the one that makes all this possible because it is His authority we are requesting!

The more time we spend with God, and sincerely follow and seek His will, the more our requests will be aligned with His. This is one reason why reading the bible and having daily time with God is so important.

When we spend time in His word, we better know God, His truth, and His promises. If you’re not in the habit of daily bible reading, here’s a great resource for a bible reading plan. It also has a link for Pray the Word – an invaluable free resource that prays a scripture verse each day that aligns with the bible reading plan. I highly recommend both!

Humble Yourselves Before God

And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong – you want only what will give you pleasure. ..So humble yourselves before God. James 4:3,7

Bow low before the throne of Grace in recognition of our Sovereign and powerful God.

Let’s pray that we are a generation that humbles ourselves before God Almighty. May our prayers be mighty and begin with our submission to God!

Rely on the Holy Spirit

God thinks of everything.  And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:26-27

Sometimes, I just can’t get over how good God is to us.

He’s given us His Spirit to help us.

Prayer Warriors Needed: The World Needs Our Prayers

Pray For Your Family

Because of you, your family can be taken directly to the doors of Heaven!

Your family needs you to cover each member in prayer. Pray that they come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ if they do not know Him already.

Pray that our children grow to be strong in the Lord! Ask God to use your family as a beacon of light in this world. One of my prayers for my family is Psalm 128 – that we are a family that fears the Lord!

Prayer for Warriors Prayer:

Father, thank you for the gift of family and for bringing us into yours! Lord, I pray that every day you draw each of us closer to you so that we may know you more and more. Help each of us to be members that fear you and help us to believe your word that you bless those who walk in your ways!

For those family members that do not know you, I lift them up to you and ask that you move in a mighty way in their life. Lord, equip us to be warriors for you today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Post: 5 Scripture Prayers For Your Family

Pray For Your Neighborhood

Pray that your neighbors have hearts that are open to the Gospel. Ask God that your words plant seeds of hope and encouragement to those around you. Pray that you represent Jesus well amongst your neighbors.

Prayer for Warriors Prayer:

Father, we lift up our neighbors to you and for those that do not know you, help us to be a good neighbor, friend, and witness.

Lord, give us words that will spark a fire in their hearts to yearn and know you personally. God, help me to represent you well. I know each neighbor was handpicked by you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray For Your Place of Work

Ask God to powerfully work within your place of business. Pray for boldness and courage to live out your faith and not be compromised by the world.

Pray for other believers to lock arms with you at work to keep one another accountable and encourage each other in your faith.

Prayer for Warriors Prayer:

Father, thank you for a place of work. I need help to honor you every day even through frustrations. Lord, give me courage and boldness to walk out my faith and be a light to those around me. Help my coworkers notice your light within me and let that spark conversations to share your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray For Your Church

The church needs our prayers more than ever! Pray for unity amongst believers and that our eyes are fixed on Jesus. Pray that we long to grow the body of Christ and bring others to know him. Lift your pastor up in prayer that he leads well from God’s Word.

Prayer for Warriors Prayer:

Father, your church is so precious to you. Help me to guard and protect the body of Christ and do all that I can to preserve unity amongst believers. Lord, help us to grow boldly and to build each other up so that we can share the sweet Good News of the gospel. God, we want our eyes fixed on you and not to get distracted on issues that tear us apart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related: Jesus’ Prayer – Unity

Pray For Our Nation

How desperate we are to pray for our nation. Prayer Warrior, fight on your knees that we come to desperation for Jesus as a nation. Pray that our leaders lead well and with biblical truths alone.

Let’s come together and pray that we humble ourselves and turn back to God.

Prayer for Warriors Prayer:

Father, we are desperate for you as a nation. Every day we see our need for you and we plead on behalf of our land that you have mercy on us. Lord, spark a wildfire of faith spreading from east to west so others are captivated by you! Let it start with us and our families! Lord, sway our leader’s hearts to long to lead according to your Word. You have such great power and we pray our nation humbly submits to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray For Our World

Prayer Warrior, let’s fight together in prayer and lift up our world back to our Creator. Let’s pray that we, the hands and feet of Jesus, boldly share with others the faith we claim in Jesus Christ. Pray for a rise in missionaries to continue to share the Good News to other countries.

This is another great free resource for praying for the unreached people groups of the world called the Joshua Project. Download the app and each day a new people group is listed with specific prayer requests for the unreached people in different nations.

Prayer Warrior Prayer:

Father, you are the Creator of all things and you love this world more than we can possibly imagine. Raise up warriors to display your live around the world.

Prompt our hearts to encourage and support global and local missions. Lord, equip our missionaries, our teachers, those in authority, and the entire body of Christ to courageously share your love. In Jesus’ Name alone, Amen.

There are spiritual battles going on all around us. Prayer Warriors are needed and necessary. It’s how we take action against evil and bring God’s power into this world.

One of my favorite names of God is The Lord of Heaven’s Armies. It’s used all throughout the Old Testament.

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is waiting and willing to hear our prayers.

Prayer Warriors, join in the battle. Rise Up, Prayer Warrior.

Want to remember this? Post Prayer Warriors Needed – Rise Up, Prayer Warrior to your favorite Pinterest board!

prayer warriors needed

Related Post: Praying the Psalms – 7 Days of Prayers

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13 thoughts on “Prayer Warriors Needed – Rise Up, Prayer Warrior”

  1. Terri B. Beaudry

    Please pray, too, for young Joel to be saved and set free from all depression and anxiety and ALL suicidal thoughts. He has already been set free from smoking and alcohol, a miracle!!

    Please pray for Pat, a young homeless man, to be saved, protected and set free from drug addiction. Thank you so much!!

    1. Praying with you, Terri for Joel and Pat! Asking God to do a mighty work in their lives and miraculously intervene so they are permanently set free and come to know Him personally. All through the powerful name of Jesus, we ask all these things! Amen.

  2. I am already a prayer warrior however, a couple of Ladies in our group so mighty in prayer and warfare. I feel so inadequate and intimidated. Please pray the precious Holy Spirit will give me the power and authority to bring down the walls of Jericho. God bless

  3. paricia Nchindo

    I am already a prayer warrior in small church leading the prayer team ,pray for our group for strengths to fit our eyes on Jesus Amen

    1. Cynthia Osorio

      Lord you see all and know all and right now we come in agreement to pray for this PERSON. I pray and bind every demonic spirit off him right now in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Lord only you have the power to deliver, save, redeem, rescue do Miracles! When we stand on your word and in our Faith believe you will do it, whatever we ask it will be done in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and through the Blood of Jesus. We already have the Victory. So i am standing on your word and taking the Victory already completed on Calvary.. i believe in my faith you are the MIGHTY HEALER, DELIVERER, SAVIOR, PROVIDER, REDEEMER, MIRACLE WAY MAKER ! Glory Hallelujah!! LORD HAVE YOUR WAY WITH THIS PERSON AND SET THEM FREE LORD IN JESUS HOLY POWERFUL NAME. AMEN AND SELAH!

  4. Please pray for my daughter she is doing unspeakable things. she has left her 2 precious babies for me to take care of, along with my 3 other children. I don’t have the means to do this since I am a single mother struggling. I know God will turn this situation around for his Glory! And these babies are here for a purpose God doesn’t make a mistake and He will provide a way for us to make it. I pray that he renews my daughters mind body and spirit. She turns from alcohol addiction anxiety lust perversion and love of money and this evil world! Stop her in her tracks Dear God But don’t allow the enemy to harm a hair on her head!! Amen

  5. I have been praying for my two adult children and two grandchildren. Its been 24 years but I can’t give up the fight. When I do I see defeat and turn back to God in prayer. I am a warrior on a rock calling down defeat on the enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  6. I pray to the Heavenly Father, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, to give Brian Bernabe Alda, peace of mind, strength, and Guidance from what he is currently facing. I pray that the ill intentioned spirits be banished from his life, in the Name of Jesus.
    That may he be protected from all the mischievous spirits that wants to control his mind, life and body that they will be casted out in the name of Jesus! AMEN.

  7. I am in need of prayer for my husband Richard at home. He was diagnosed with cancer leukemia. Please pray that he may be healed. Your prayers is truly appreciated. Thank you.

  8. Prayer for Jesus to remove from my family injurious people which philander. Erase the memories of trauma they caused. Restore our life from the oxidative stress they caused, or injuries. Send them away where they cannot harm anyone else. And make their ego-center be humbled under the Proverbs

  9. Father, we are humbled and so thankful to be able to come before you through your son Jesus Christ. Thank you that you hear every single prayer, that you care deeply for each of us, and that you are a merciful and compassionate God! We lift each prayer up to you and trust you to restore, transform, heal, cover, protect, and intervene mightily in every single request. We cherish you and pray all things in Jesus’ most precious name, Amen.

  10. Please help me pray for a miracle into the relationship between my beloved adult stepdaughters Melissa & Meagan. Their father, Gene, has worsened their relationship by constantly showing one sister favor more than the other causing problems I ask that the Holy Spirit convict all of them & turn their hearts turn from Satan to God as in Acts 26:18

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