10 Amazing Benefits of Reading the Bible

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The benefits of reading the bible are more than a single list of 10 items; they’re truly too numerous to count. Reading the Bible daily and getting into God’s word on a regular basis benefits our lives in an abundance of ways!

Do you know what’s so alluring about God? His loving-kindness on our lives and He is always extending an invitation to us no matter how or what place we find ourselves in. Reading the bible daily shows God’s heart for you.

If you struggle with whether or not you should read the bible every day or wonder what the benefit of reading the bible regularly, this will encourage you!

Below, you will find 10 Amazing Benefits of Reading the Bible and the power of reading the bible. Know that it’s an open invitation and God’s heart is for you to know Him more and more through His inspired Word.

Benefits of Reading the Bible

The benefits of reading the bible are truly endless but this list offers 10 benefits from spending time in God’s Word. I’ll go through each benefit throughout the post into more detail.

  1. Learn about, know, and worship God.
  2. Grow in our faith.
  3. Learn God’s truths.
  4. Realize our need for Him.
  5. Seek forgiveness.
  6. Safeguard against false teaching.
  7. Receive guidance on how to live.
  8. Know what is true.
  9. Fill us with hope.
  10. Be equipped to live for God.
benefits of reading the bible

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What Is The Use Of the Bible?

Is it worth reading the bible? Maybe you’ve questioned this before and wondered what is the use of the bible? Today, you’ll discover the benefits of reading the bible and why it IS worth reading the bible daily.

The bible is God’s living Word to offer guidance and direction for living.

It’s more than a “manual for living” though, it’s a compass to the God of the universe and reveals to us who God is. Paul tells us Romans 15:4, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scritpures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

There are numerous benefits of reading the bible which encompass great hope and encouragement for our faith. Discover the power of reading the bible below!

The Importance of Reading the Bible Daily

Why is it so important to read the bible daily? If we are to grow and know God, we have to spend time in His Word. The way to develop a relationship is by spending time together. Daily bible reading does just that.

The importance of reading the bible daily is how we move from knowing about God to knowing God. Benefits of reading the bible and the importance of reading the bible go hand-in-hand in showing us who our Savior is, why we desperately need Him, and our eternal salvation.

If you’re not in the habit of daily bible reading, I pray this spurs you on! The benefits of reading the bible daily are yours! If you do not have a good bible version to read from, it makes all the difference! This is my favorite study bible!

Related: Best Bible Version For Beginners

What is the Importance of Bible Study?

The bible is God’s Word for each and every one of us. It’s a gift that’s been given to us and we get to make the decision whether or not we accept and receive it. The importance of bible study and the benefits of reading the bible further deepens our faith and knowledge of the authoritative and inerrant word of God.

When we dive into the bible, we discover truth and facts about reading the bible that we wouldn’t know otherwise.

Through reading scripture daily, we are built up and better able to serve and glorify God in our daily lives. The SOAP method is a great start to studying the bible. There is a great importance of studying the word of God and staying in the Word on a daily basis.

bible study

10 Amazing Benefits of Reading the Bible and Why

Below you’ll be encouraged through the incredible benefits of reading the bible and why they are important.

1. There’s Great Power in Reading the Bible: Learn, know, and worship God

The bible is our blueprint, our manual for living. It is God’s message for us revealing Himself and His perfect plan. When we spend time in scripture, we grow to know and learn about our Maker and Creator. 

We come to know Him as the Most High God, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. The bible shows us our desperate need of Jesus.

Spending time in God’s Word, we learn about His perfect nature and greatness of His splendor, His majesty, His great power, as well as His patience, His mercy, and His grace.

Time after time we see His hand and heart weave throughout scripture so that we can better know who he is and how we can grow in Him.

This is something we may not consider on a regular basis but can you fathom that the God of Creation and all living things extends an invitation for us to know Him better through His written word?

This is an amazing benefit of reading the bible! Learn, know, and worship God through reading scripture.

benefits of reading the bible

2. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Grow in Our Faith

When you became a believer and put your faith and trust in Jesus, that was just the beginning!

We are to continue to grow and mature spiritually in the knowledge of God and in godly living; ultimately becoming more and more like our Savior.

When we read the bible, every time we open it, God is extending an invitation to grow in our faith. He gives us this growth in our faith but it requires time, effort, and commitment on our part.

Grow in your faith by reading the bible

benefits of reading the bible

3. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Learn God’s Truths

In a wishy-washy world, we need truths that we can hold firmly to. How are we to know God’s truth if we are not spending time in His Word?

He woos us with His promises and truth. And He’s trustworthy because throughout scripture we see what He says comes to pass!

He’s the gentleman that never goes back on his word. The One we can trust, depend on, and rest in.

Need some truth in your life right now? Check out these Promises of God.

Spending time in God’s Word and learning God’s truth is necessary and especially brings incredible benefits of reading the bible aloud. Learn to declare scripture over your life.

Benefits of reading the bible

4. Benefit of Reading the Bible: Realize Our Need for God

The older I get, the more I realize how desperate I am for Jesus. 

Out of our sin and desperation, when we read from cover to cover -Genesis to Revelation – we see that it is chalked full of individuals just like us.

Story after story, we learn about others that also desperately needed God. We can learn from their mistakes, failures, lessons, and influence. More than that, we can see where God showed up and we can know that he will do it again for us!

Realize your need for God by reading the bible. Reading God’s Word daily will give you a lens through God’s eyes.

5. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Seek Forgiveness

When we seek forgiveness of our sins and open up God’s Word, we are flooded with His sweet redemption.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Repent, then, and turn from God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. Acts 3:19

How gracious He is to us! We learn of His attributes through His Word.

Our understanding of grace, mercy, and steadfast love grow when we read the bible.

We are reminded that His desire is to purify our hearts and cleanse us! The invitation is to come to Him so He can do so!

Seek and receive forgiveness from God by reading the bible.

benefits of reading the bible

6. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Safeguard Against False Teaching

The bible is our standard to test against everything that claims to be true. Feelings, emotions, and opinions are all subjective and ever-changing.

God’s word is true. (John 17:17)

The world bombards us with false advertising, enticing lies, and non-biblical assertions. It’s so important we read the bible so that we can recognize what is false and not of God.

Safeguard against false teaching by reading the bible.

7. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Guidance on How to Live

I’m a map person. I prefer a recipe and detailed directions versus ‘winging’ a recipe. And I greatly appreciate clear instructions.

Could the bible BE any better!? – In my best Chandler voice.

Seriously, God desires to walk our life with us and guide and direct our steps. (Proverbs 3:6)

He offers guidance on relationships, marriage, righteous living, health, finances, parenting, and so much more.

Let His word guide you on how to live. 

benefits of reading the bible

8. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Know What is True

I vividly remember reading the book, Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge and near the beginning of the book he started quoting a passage of scripture and I was convinced it wasn’t in the bible.

I pulled out my bible to look it up and sure enough, word for word it was there.

It happened again. Same book, a few pages later.

Beautiful Outlaw became one of my absolute favorite books but I’ll never forget verifying if what he was saying was true only because I did not know the truth.

The more time we spend in our bibles and lean on the Holy Spirit to teach us, we grow to know what is true.

Get confidence in what is true by spending time reading the bible.

9. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Fill Us With Hope

Do you need hope in your life? Me too. 

God knew we would. So, He gave us our Living Hope in Jesus Christ.

There is nothing better! Being reminded of our Living Hope can be found daily reading the bible and spending time in God’s Word.

 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ for the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

Related Post: How to find God’s Presence in the Chaos

Fill up with hope by spending time reading the bible.

10. Benefits of Reading the Bible: Be Equipped to Live for God

The bible is our parachute. We’re never sent off into this hard world alone and unequipped. 

We are meant to represent Christ in this world and the bible equips us to do so.

Discover through the pages of scripture how God equips us to live for Him.

benefits of reading the bible

What happens when you read the bible every day?

Have you ever stopped to consider what happens when you read the bible every day? As you read the bible little by little each day, eventually you will read the entire bible! The benefits of the word of God will seep into all aspects of your daily living. As you read the bible daily, you’ll go from learning about God to knowing God to living surrendered to God!

When we open our bibles, we meet Him. The more we do so, the more we learn His heart and His character. Can you fathom the benefits of reading the whole bible?

When you read the bible every day:

  • your faith grows
  • your knowledge and understanding expands,
  • you are refreshed, restored, and strengthened

The benefits of reading the bible are endless. Begin reading the bible daily and see your life transform as you come to know God more and more.

As Psalm 1 describes, “Blessed is the who..who delights in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.”

reading the bible daily

Power of Reading the Bible

The power of reading the bible is ours when take the time to open God’s Word. Every page of the bible is God’s inspired Word for our hearts.

It’s our compass, our armor, our comfort, and our sword.

Raise Your Sword – let’s raise God’s Word above all things. It was given to us to be treasured! Start your daily bible reading today.

The benefits of reading the bible are ours!

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Start today!

For ideas on scriptures and verses to help guide your daily bible reading, check out my Monthly Bible Reading Plans!

Benefits of Reading the Bible Action Step:

Accept God’s invitation and spend some time in His word today. Meet Him there. It will benefit YOU. Five minutes is always better than none.

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benefits of reading the bible

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1 thought on “10 Amazing Benefits of Reading the Bible”

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