5 Spiritual Habits When Trouble Consumes You

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Have you ever found yourself chasing after control when you’re surrounded by chaos, trouble, and overwhelm? You might be surprised by the various routes we pursue in order to gain a grasp on something so elusive. Instead of running down the rabbit hole of control, use these 5 Spiritual Habits to guide you straight to our Heavenly Father.

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5 Spiritual Habits When Trouble Consumes You

I more or less Windexed my way to these 5 faith habits. Honestly, I didn’t realize what I was looking for until my house was so clean we could have taken the cover of Southern Living.

Let me explain.

A few years ago I found myself cleaning my house a lot more than necessary. I’d vacuum an already vacuumed room. I’d wipe down the counters…again. The windows that I hated having to clean would miraculously become sparkly clean and shiny and I’d look down to find the cleaning rag in my own hand.

What had gotten into me? 

I prefer a tidy house over a messy one but I would definitely not be described as the type of woman to have everything in its place and dust-free on a daily or even regular basis. Hello, normal people, you’re in good company. 

Southern Living really has no idea where I live.

It finally occurred to me what I was doing.

My mind was consumed with anxious thoughts and trouble consumed me. Life was swirling beyond my control. So, in an effort to rein in my fleeting power, I controlled my environment the best way I knew how: I cleaned.

Cleaning gave me a teeny tiny ounce of the control I was seeking after. 

It wasn’t lasting though. I’d take care of the floors and move on to the counters trying to hold on to as much power as possible.

There are other pseudo-control mechanisms besides cleaning. Others may turn to alcohol, drugs, shopping, binge-watching Netflix, food, or really anything can become an attempt to try to control what is truly beyond their power.

But like my attempts to clean control into my life, it’s all fleeting.

I think we approach trying to gain control in 4 different guises. 

Unhealthy Spiritual Habits

Avoid – Sometimes, we just don’t want to have to deal with the weight and turmoil we’re facing. So, we avoid it at all costs. We stay in our safety net, our comfort zone. We’d rather shop, clean, meet up with friends, have the extra drink and just maybe it’ll go away while we do.

Fix – Then, there are the fixers among us. We try to fix things ourselves. What can we do to make it better? If I just do this or if I just do that, everything will fall into place, right? 

Prepare – Those of us that prepare are the ones who do everything “the right way” in an attempt to make our environment safe and secure. If we prepare enough then we’ll be safe and secure enough. We set ourselves up the best we can to avoid the messes and interruptions because we’ve…prepared for them. 

Withdraw – Finally, there are those of us that withdraw. When we feel pressure, we pull away. We retreat. When the chaos, mess, and turmoil rises, we back up, curl up, and try to blend into the shadows untouched.

Can you relate to any of these descriptions? 

Maybe you’re clearly one or a combo of each. All have one underlying factor and clear thread in common. They all ultimately rely on self and not Christ in us.

It used to take me an entirely cleaned house (aka a really long time) to realize what I was doing. Somewhere between taking out the trash and having clean windowsills in the middle of December, I realized I was trying to get a handle on something that was already tightly secure in Christ’s hands.

Now, I am noticing when I tend to get into the motion of overdoing my cleaning, I’m alerted to turn to God instead. I’ve sought healthy spiritual habits instead.

Really, that’s what my heart (and yours) is seeking even though I still sometimes try to secure it through what I can control.

Do you do this, too?

5 Spiritual Disciplines To Practice When Trouble Consumes You

As the years have gone by, I’ve learned 5 spiritual disciplines that bring me to God and the rest that my heart longs for. These are 5 spiritual habits that will change the way you live.

Spiritual Habits List:

  1. Time in God’s Word.
  2. Prayer.
  3. Time with other believers.
  4. Remember God’s faithfulness.
  5. Stand on truth.

Spiritual Habits #1 – Time In God’s Word.

Forming spiritual habits begins with time in God’s word. This faith habit grows deeper and deeper roots the more we practice it. It’s a discipline to turn to God’s Word for His guidance, care, and provision. Scriptures such as:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28

God’s Word takes us straight to God’s heart. When we turn to it, we’re turning to Him. It’s a powerful faith habit with many benefits and invitations through it.

Related: 7 Best Women’s Devotional Books

Spiritual Habits #2 – Prayer.

Instead of turning to the broom, or shopping, or the extra bite or drink, or whatever outlet to try to drown out the noise, turn to the spiritual habit of prayer. Tell God where you are. Tell Him you need His help, or that you’re scared, or tempted to try to take control again and that you need His peace.

Your prayer could go something like this:

Father, thank you for being God of the universe and caring so much for me that you desire to have a personal relationship with me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, I want to grow closer to you and relinquish my fears and attempts of control and give those to you. 

Help me to trust you, step by step, to carry me through this. God, I trust your words from scripture that you have good plans for me. Help me to rest in your promises. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Spiritual Habits #3 – Time with other believers.

There are others just like us that struggle with the very same things. It’s a lie to believe we’re in this and struggling with this on our own. Having a home church and a community of believers to turn to and share each other’s burdens is a powerful gift.

Seek out time and a place of worship with other believers. The more consistent time you have with other Christian’s the more your faith will grow! 

The habit of fellowship is paramount to growing in your faith and it will encourage your walk, bring hope in your struggle, and remind you of your Identity in Christ

Spiritual Habits #4 – Remember God’s Faithfulness.

I’m becoming more and more convinced that to move forward, we have to remember not just who God is, but what He has done. We have to take note of God’s faithfulness. He’s proven His faithfulness since the beginning of time.

I love 2 Timothy 2:13 “if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

God’s very nature is faithfulness.

Deuteronomy 8 is titled, “Remember The Lord Your God”. Over and over we’re told throughout the bible to remember the Lord our God. 

Remembering is for our benefit and to bring glory to God. Making ‘remembrance’ a faith habit is such a powerful practice and a way we can celebrate God.

Spiritual Habits #5 – Stand on Truth.

Finally, standing on God’s truth and promises while being enveloped in His peace and joy will get you a lot farther than standing on a freshly mopped floor!

Keep His truth at the ready so when you are tempted to try to take on control, or avoid, withdraw, or fix within your means, you know the truth that God is sovereign and over all things. 

Even when the world seems to be spinning out of control, it still fits in His hand (Psalm 95:4). 

He can be trusted with your day and your future.

God doesn’t want us to avoid, retreat, or prepare on our own strength. He wants to walk straight through the chaos and mess with us. He’s split the Red Sea before. Waves of turbulence do not scare Him.

He has the strength to carry us, peace to give us, joy to nourish us, and love to cover us. Shelter in Him instead of chasing after something you’ll never capture.

Though my house may have a few cleaning streaks, these spiritual habits are where my soul finds rest. I know they will do the very same for you!

Each of these 5 spiritual habits takes you to your Heavenly Father. Putting into practice these spiritual growth disciplines and habits better arm and prepare you for what is to come. The more we practice these habits for spiritual growth, the sooner the chaos begins to calm as we rest in His care.

Call to Action:

Pick one spiritual habit to put into practice this week. When you catch yourself turning towards a distraction or an attempt to gain control, turn instead to where you will actually meet God in the mess.

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faith habits every christian woman should know

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5 thoughts on “5 Spiritual Habits When Trouble Consumes You”

  1. Thank you for sharing this today! These are some powerful reminders of how we can stand firm in the faith even when trouble arises. We serve an amazing God!

  2. Pingback: 30 of God's Promises in the Bible for Uncertain Times - Flourishing Today

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