Lies Women Believe and How To Combat Them

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Lies Women Believe: The Struggle is Real

Lies. Sometimes you can spot them a mile away and other times they’re so embedded in our minds we’ve convinced ourselves it’s who we are. Lies women believe are everywhere.

This world is full of lies. It’s not possible to go through a single day without being bombarded with lies from all sorts of directions.

Even if you determined to stay indoors to avoid the lies and not be influenced by anyone else, you’re still left with yourself and sometimes that’s one of the toughest battles.

Settling into Lies

At a young age, we’re easily influenced – even innocently and unintentionally – into faulty belief systems.

This was a huge wake-up call for me the day our son came up to me and asked me to play legos with him. It was not an unusual request, but on this particular day I had quite a bit of things going on and I resorted to the age-old mom line, “just wait one minute.”

Sure enough, I repeated the line a handful of times until he was on the verge of getting upset and muttered, “Why does a minute always have to take forever!?” Ouch. He got my attention.

He had no idea a minute was actually 60 seconds long and without realizing it, I was influencing his belief that a minute was significantly longer than what was true.

Or consider the child that believes he is not good enough because he was not picked when his classmates decided to play a game of kickball. Or worse yet, his mother told him so.

Lies women believe form early and they follow us.

As we grow and enter our teenage and college years, lies continue to compound and roots grow deeper and deeper. We are influenced by our family, peers, advertisements, the shows we watch, the music we listen to, magazines, and our own self-talk and worth.

  • I’m not talented enough.
  • I don’t fit in.
  • I’m not worthy.
  • I need to dress this way for them to like me.
  • Nobody notices me.
  • I’m a failure.
  • If they really knew me, they’d leave me.

By the time we reach adulthood, these lies become part of who we are. Weaving and winding their way into our hearts and minds, lies become invasive and deeply destructive.

Lies follow us wherever we go, and they have the potential to influence and infiltrate every venue in our lives. It’s no wonder they can seep into our marriage, into our workplace, into motherhood, and into our friendships and relationships.

Lies Go After Our Thoughts

When we accept these deep rooted lies and allow them to define us, the lies will inevitably impact our thoughts, decisions, dreams, hopes, and beliefs.

Our deepest core beliefs are what we hold on to and live out.

It begs the question, what beliefs are we living out that are influenced by lies?

Lies Women Believe Regarding the Past:

  • Does our shame convince us that we can never be fully forgiven because we believe our mistake is way too big?
  • Since we’ve been divorced, do we fall for the lie that we’re unloveable and damaged goods so we believe it’s hopeless to think we deserve someone else?
  • Do we live in guilt over past wrongs because we believe we need to bear it?

Lies Women Believe Regarding the Present:

  • Do we live in a place of loneliness, isolation, and disconnect because we believe we’re all alone?
  • Are we governed by fear and believe we’re inadequate and just don’t have what it takes?
  • Have we convinced ourselves that we are not worthy to be loved so we feel safe when we keep people at a distance?
  • Do we flounder and struggle at this thing called motherhood so we believe we’re just not a good enough mom like all the other moms around us that always “have it together”?
  • Do we live defeated because we believe we’re not pretty enough and all we need to do is just lose this extra weight?

Lies Women Believe Regarding the Future:

  • Are we worn out and exhausted from go-go-going and do-do-doing everything because we believe it all will fall apart the minute we stop and everyone is depending on us?
  • Are we not pursuing our dream because we believe we’re a failure since we’ve failed before so what’s the point to try again?
  • Do we believe this is just the way it’s always going to be and even though we hope for more in this life, we’re convinced that just doesn’t happen to people like us?

Thoughts and beliefs like the ones above have the ability to dictate our lives when we allow them to.

Oh to consider how many times we don’t do something, delay an act, postpone an action, avoid an encounter, hang our heads low, pull away from, or walk out our days in desperation because of the lies we think and believe.

Where do they come from?

Lies have been around since the Garden of Eden – this can be found in the third chapter of Genesis in the bible.

A sneaky, slimy, soul-sucking snake slithered himself in, lied, and wrecked havoc over something meant to be beautiful. Sin entered the world and tainted life, separating us from God.

“He [Satan] is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44 NLT. This is a master deceiver and thrills in leading us astray by any means necessary. He thrives on deception, discourse, and destruction.

He’s your worst enemy; he celebrates your failures and your lowest lows.

He wants you to believe lies about yourself, lies about others, and more importantly, he wants you to believe lies about God and His character.

When we fall for his deceptive tactics, we become trapped in a tangled web of shame, misery, fear, frustration, let-down, anxiety, and defeat. This is where he sets up shop and tries to make you believe you’re stuck.

He’s most satisfied when you’re in a place of bondage because he knows you are not living in the freedom that only Jesus can give.

His days are numbered and he’s got a ticking time bomb strapped to his back, so he’s going after as much as he can right now. There’s no doubt that you, your family, and anyone you associate with has been marked.

Combatting the Lies

Battle is never fun, but VICTORY sure is glorious to behold!

Jesus changes everything and the Good News of the Gospel brings the victory!

What you cannot do for yourself, Jesus Christ did for you when he died on the cross. When we realize our need for salvation, through Jesus, we enter a brand new relationship with God!

Related Post: God’s Love: What You Need to Know

Everything changes. We are given a brand new life that can be marked by freedom, hope, power, peace, reconciliation, love, joy, rest, purpose, and assurance – to name a few!

It seems too good to be true until you receive it and experience it, through faith, and accept what has been done for you.

At the cross, Jesus conquered sin and death. The bondage we still carry, Jesus buried it at the cross.

It’s time to stop digging it up and carrying it around with us everywhere!

We are promised in John 8:32 NLT, “and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”.

How to Combat Lies?

Raise Your Sword: First things first, those downcast and weary eyes need to go up. Seek God for His truth and raise it above all else.

It’s the only truth that matters. Search the bible for what He says is true about you so you know your identity in Christ.

Don’t stop there though because you need to be firmly grounded in what is true about God.

Rehearse the Truth: Once you know the truth, you will need to rehearse the truth.

The lies we believe have been with us for a long time and will continue to try to weasel their way back into our lives.

The more we know the truth, and lean on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the less the lies will impact us.

Before you know it, you’ll be spotting lies from farther and farther away and they’ll be kicked to the curb before they even make it to your driveway.

There are multiple ways to rehearse the truth and to be reminded of what God’s word says about us. We will rehearse it over and over until it becomes our default. These are some great truths to start with!

Powerful Truths

TRUTH #1: There is no sin that Christ cannot forgive.

How do we know this? Because the bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV, “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come”.

TRUTH #2: God is always for you.

How do we know this? Because the bible says in Romans 8:31-32 ESV, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

TRUTH #3: God remembers your sins no more.

How do we know this? Because the bible says in Jeremiah 31:34 NIRV, “I will forgive their evil ways. I will not remember their sins anymore.”

These truths are just the beginning of what is in store for you!

Respond: Live out God’s truth.

It’s more than just believing God’s truth; you need to live them out as well.

Make these truths active in your life and your life will be full of freedom, joy, peace, and an abundance of rich blessings. Share these truths with others.

Kick the negative thoughts inside your head to the curb. Limit the negative influences in your lives. Consider what boundaries are needed to be put in place.

Remember God’s Goodness: Finally, remember God’s faithfulness and goodness and let Him carry and sustain you going forward.

Remember what He’s done for you and the times He’s rescued you.

As the lies dissolve and are replaced with truth, great transformation will take place. God’s goodness will become more and more prevalent in your life.

As you remember God’s goodness, your heart will turn to praise and you will begin celebrating God with thanksgiving more and more!

Living in Freedom

With a world bombarded by lies and an enemy savagely eager to keep you in bondage, it can be a tough battle to fight.

The day you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart is the day victory was declared over you. It is yours. God desperately wants you to know this and to walk in His freedom.

Today can be the first day to your new beginning.

Call To Action:

Pick one bible truth from above and write it down. Look at it each day this week until it starts to take root in your heart.

Beautiful flower image with overlay describing lies women believe and how to combat them.
Lies Women believe

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