Do you need to pray war room prayers for your child?
It was a blissful day in the mountains snow tubing with our youth group. We were on the drive home when I got an SOS email asking for major prayers for my dear friend’s 18-year-old son. Not just any prayers, War Room Prayers was the heart plea.
As I read her email, it was the story of a present-day Prodigal Son. He was denouncing his faith, he wanted his money from the family, and he no longer wanted contact with them.
My heart plummeted and my chest tightened.
You see, this sweet boy lived with us for the summer years ago through a hosting program and he completely stole my heart. Through God’s grace, He later wove the story for his adoptive mom and I to become kindred spirits.
We’ve been in battle together before, pleading War Room Prayers, and God’s grace always shows up. Use these war room prayers for your child and be encouraged as you lift your prayers to God Almighty!

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War Room Prayers: God’s Grace
Even before praying war room prayers, remember God’s grace.
I’m always watching how others respond to situations. I never know if there’s something to learn from their experience, and wonder if I could ever find myself in that situation down the road.
I’m especially paying attention to both older women and women that are spiritually mature to see how they walk out their faith – not only in the day-to-day but when a crisis hits.
Scripture tells us God’s mercies are new every morning and God’s grace is enough. I’ve always found that interesting to consider because sometimes we see particularly difficult situations unravel and do not always see God’s grace until we look back to see the faithfulness of God.
When we do, we can see His grace and faithfulness were always in tandem with our need. His grace is always enough.
These are God’s words, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.
In the midst of this mess, God’s grace is still present. I’m reminding you and I of this truth today.
Your prayers for your children matter!
War Room Prayers For Your Child
Do you need war room prayers for your child?
Let me share what I learned from my dear friend while observing her words and knowing how she is walking through this mess of brokenness.
We’re Not Without Hope
First things first, when our faith rests in Jesus Christ, we can walk forward with hope.
Our Heavenly Father is mighty and over all things. He can use everything for good. (Romans 8:28)
Revelation 21:5 tells us He can and will make all things new.
Related Post: Hope When You Feel Far From God
Prayers For Desperation
My friend’s War Room Prayer was that her son realizes his desperation for Jesus. It took the Prodigal Son of the bible found in Luke 15 to become desperate to return to the arms of his father.
Desperation is often feared and avoided at all costs.
But the truth is, desperation is a safe place. It can lead to Life – abundant life.
Desperation is the pathway to Jesus.
If we’re not desperate for Jesus, we have no need for the power of the cross.
War Room Prayer for My Child:
Father, we are all in need of a savior. We lift up these children that have wandered from you and we pray that they meet you face to face in their desperation.
We pray that the decisions they are making lead to an unveiling of You. Lord, we always find you when we get to the end of ourselves.
You are the safest place to be and we pray that these children who wander are drawn in quickly and become desperate for you to rescue them. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayers For Trust
Another wise note my friend made was that we cannot control their environments. Especially when our children reach certain ages, our influence and pseudo control is not always what it once was.
She recognized her limited power but did not live in hopelessness. Instead, she relied on God’s faithfulness.
God is faithful and trustworthy.
War Room Prayer for my child:
Father, we thank you for your continued faithfulness since the very beginning of time. Your word tells us you are faithful even when we are not (2 Timothy 2:13).
Lord, we want to stand firm and rest in your faithfulness and not be tempted to take over ourselves. We ask that your power strengthen us as we walk out this difficult path.
We put our trust in you alone. Help us to stand with unwavering confidence in your good work and in the knowledge that you work all things out for the good of those who love you. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayers For Truth
Each of these prayers are powerful prayers but this was the biggest lesson for me so far in this experience.
When we’re praying War Room Prayers, I find it very easy to get caught up in the messy details and I allow those to overshadow God’s truth.
What I mean by that is, my mind has a tendency to dwell on the mess and not on the Rescuer.
Spelling it out like this is clear enough for me to see, “Why would I even spend so much time dwelling on the mess and not God??” But I know this is a spiritual discipline that I am continuing to grow in.
It’s natural to dwell on the messy details. It is easy to be distracted by the bad and the “what ifs”.
This is where fully knowing who we are in Christ is paramount!
We’re called to, “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8
Related Post: Think About Such Things Philippians 4:8
So, this becomes my prayer.
War Room Prayer for my child:
Father, help me fix my eyes and thoughts on you each day as we walk out this battle. Keep my heart and head grounded in Your Word and Your Truth.
Lord, you are Good, Mighty, Powerful, Gracious, And Our Rescuer. Help me to know nothing is beyond your power.
Father, when I’m tempted to dwell on the mess, bring my thoughts back to you. Lord, let this battle become a testimony for your glory. We thank you in advance for how you will use this and we trust that your plan is good. In Jesus Name, Amen.
God’s grace is a lavished gift upon us. I hope to see it more and more and not only when I look back for it.
While my heart is sad and heavy for this precious family and this sweet boy that was once ours, I know God is still weaving his story.
When we pray War Room Prayers, we get to step into the story and be a part of it.
Use these prayers to pray for your child that is wandering as well and be encouraged to know that our faithful God hears each and every plea.
I’m praying with you.
For Additional Prayer Posts:
Call to Action:
I should say to pray these prayers but that’s a given. This is Call to Action takes it a step further. Praise God. Even in the midst of the mess, we have reason to praise God. I know it will do your heart and my heart good. Let’s praise Him together.
I particularly like a statement that you made which l think is very commendable. In these days that its almost we don’t appreciate others. “I’m especially paying attention to both older women and women that are spiritually mature to see how they walk out their faith – not only in the day-to-day but when a crisis hits”.
Yes we do need to learn from others and the wise learn from those that have gone ahead of them, or those that are more matured. Why learn from the school of hard knocks, when we can learn from those that the Lord has placed around us. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely, Bisi! Individuals are placed in our lives for various reasons and it’s so beneficial to be looking out for what God’s purpose is in it. Thank you for stopping by today!
I’ll join you in praying for him as well, Erin! And I love what you’ve said about the desperate times in life drawing us to the Lord. Like you’ve said, we so often want to avoid them, especially for our kids! But they are what God uses to refine them and us into His image. Praying that’s the result for this young man … for us all!
Your willingness to join in praying for him just brought me to a blubbering mess of tears. Thank you for joining in the battle! You’ve blessed my day, Beth, and I am thanking God for you today!
Great prayers👏 Desperation really is the pathway to Jesus Christ! And remembering that Jesus also found us while lost helps us empathise with those who are lost as well.
Absolutely! Thank you for that encouraging word. It makes our prayers more passion-filled knowing the redemption our Savior has given us.
I get those prayer requests a lot. And for drug addicts. Some people we just will have to let Jesus deal with, I always pray they find or return to His love. I have found it difficult to reason with people I have talked to myself.
Praying for my wayward sons
I found this article a few days back and didn’t read until this morning. It made me cry because my 18yo niece is like your friend’s son. But, she also left to be with her twice as old bf. Though it’s only been 2 months of not hearing from her, it’s been really hard for us, especially my sister, who is clouded by the mess. I will definitely show this to her for encouragement and hope. Thank you for sharing.
Praying with you that she returns home quickly and safely and that the God of all comfort displays His faithful love to her, you, and your sister’s family during this time.