7 Biblical Truths For Tough Times In A Relationship

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Are you looking for bible verses for tough times in a relationship? Take heart! These 7 biblical truths will encourage you today!

All relationships ebb and flow like the sea. They swell with connection, unity, and harmony and then naturally wane through different seasons of life, disconnect, and busyness.

Do you find yourself struggling to love through frustrations and tough times in a relationship?

Or is your marriage in a season where you’re trying so hard to love your husband well but you keep finding yourself in the throes of frustration?

Have you ever resolved to “love them through it” but it turned out to be more difficult than you imagined it would be?

In these times we get frustrated because maybe we’re not seeing the breakthrough we were hoping for. Maybe the relationship is still struggling and we’ve given so much that we thought for sure by now it’d be different.

Or maybe we’ve tried to give ourselves completely day in and day out and now feel depleted, exhausted, and flat-out frustrated with little noticeable movement- if any! Have you been here before? Are you there now?

How do we maintain during this stretch of time?

How do we forge forward with love when we’re swimming in frustration?

What hope can we cling to in order to get off of this one-way track to Struggleville?

Below are 7 bible verses for tough times in a relationship. I hope these encourage and help strengthen you and bring relationship encouragement through this season of frustration.

bible verses for tough times in a relationship

Bible Verses for Tough Times In A Relationship

Truth #1. Our eyes do not see the entire picture.

1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT ~ Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

Have you ever asked, “Can God restore a broken relationship?”

We are so limited with our sight yet we often believe that what we see is the way it is. But know this, God sees everything.

When we think we’re at the end of our rope because all we “see” is frustration, He sees the entire picture. He knows your rescue is coming when we turn to Him.

God sees your efforts, your cries, and your heart. He hears your prayers and more than anything, He wants you to find your rest in Him.

Trust Him more than your physical eyes. He will never let you down.

Truth #2 Fruit can still be produced.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. ‭‭They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. ‭~ Jeremiah‬ ‭17:7-8‬

This is SO encouraging to me and equally fascinating. Sometimes we can get caught up in seeing all the fruit that is lacking in the other individual that we fail to assess our own fruit.

It’s encouraging to me that even in the frustrations, fruit can still be produced and we can still flourish! The other person does not dictate our growth unless we continue to dwell on the let-down and keep our eyes focused on them and not the Lord.

When our focus is on the other person in the relationship and what they are doing or not doing, we’re distracted. But, when we turn to God and trust Him, this is where the bounty is found.

Our human nature leans to focusing on our situation and whomever we’re dealing with but when we turn to the Lord, we’re shifting our focus to its proper placement.

Let these bible verses for tough times in a relationship spur you on!

Truth #3 Evil wants us to dwell in the let-down.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. ~ John 10:10

When we’re let-down, frustrated, and struggling through seasons like this, you can bet the devil is eager for roots of bitterness, resentment, and discord to grow.

He thrives on dissension and he wants frustration to dry us up. I don’t know about you but this makes me really want to kick him to the curb and make sure he doesn’t get any thrill in my walk.

Combat evil with prayer and time in God’s Word. Ask other followers of Jesus to rally around you as you walk through this season.

Do not fall for the lie that you are stuck, things will never get better, and you are all alone in this. Those are not from God.

He always offers freedom, hope is always found in the Lord, and He is always with you! Also, He has placed people in your life to walk through this frustration.

Ask for their prayers!

Truth #4 God promises to sustain us.

Loving others on our own strength isn’t sustainable.

Trusting God to sustain us is not easy because it requires action on our part: trust. Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you ~ Psalm 55:22

So, do we trust God to sustain us? The bible is full of such powerful promises but if we do not believe them, where does that leave us?

And what if we struggle to trust God? Well, this next promise is magnificent because our struggle has no bearing on WHO God is.

If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself. ~ 2 Timothy 2:13

The Lord means what He says and can not deny who He is. Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will sustain you – even when it doesn’t seem possible!

God has given us bible verses for tough times in a relationship because He knew we would need His strength to get through!

Truth #5 You are God’s Beloved.

I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. ~ Jeremiah 31:3

When we’re frustrated with loving others a lot of times that equates to not feeling loved in return.

We were designed for relationship and when relationships are rocky or in a season of frustration, we start to flounder trying to cling to visible and tangible displays of love.

But God. God never changes and his love for us never wanes. He fiercely loves us in every season. We are His Beloved in Christ.

Even with the head knowledge that we are dearly loved by the God of the universe, we have such a hard time receiving God’s love. What could we find if we opened ourselves to the fullness of God’s love?

Related Post: What is the Good News of The Gospel?

Truth #6 Proper dependence is paramount.

“The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.” ‭‭~ Lamentations‬ ‭3:25‬

Our dependence must rely on God.

How easy it is to make our love conditional. “Well I’ve been doing all this to love him/her/them, and they didn’t do X, won’t even do Y, or why can’t they just do Z for once!”

We can find ourselves depending on the other person to respond accordingly to what we’ve done or given them and when they don’t, frustration ensues. Thank God that His love is never conditional towards us!

Our dependence must rely on God and His promises. He is the source of life!

Truth #7 God is always working.

Don’t give up hope! Even when we do not see God working, it doesn’t mean He’s still. His greatest work in the frustration could be how our heart comes out of it.

Trust Him and keep your eyes on Him. He will never let you down.

But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I. ~ ‭‭John‬ ‭5:17‬

Bible verses for tough times in a relationship

Take heart! I hope you found these powerful bible verses for tough times in a relationship as fuel to keep fighting and seeking God! God is working in and through the frustrations – even when we can’t see it or it doesn’t feel like it.

Loving through frustrations is a feat that can only be sustained with God’s power and His own love upon us. It’s possible to come through this firmly planted and bearing much fruit.

Depend on Him to make it so!

Related Post: Prayers For Your Husband

For additional marriage resources, I’d love to recommend Messy Marriage for further encouragement! You will be blessed by her words of truth and hope for marriage.

Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the One that will carry you through these frustrations!

bible verses for tough times in a relationship

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