How To Stop Worrying And Find Peace

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Worry. It’s everywhere and everyone faces it. We worry about our relationships, our homes, our jobs, school, anything. Or we worry about decisions, outcomes, health, and our financial state.

Did you know worrying in the bible has been a popular topic since nearly the beginning of time?

Today, I’ll share what the bible says about worry, bible verses on worry, and a bible study on worry! Be encouraged! The bible has much to encourage your heart!

worrying in the bible

Worrying in the Bible

You do not need a page of inspirational “how to stop worrying” quotes to boost your spirit. No, this bible study on worry comes straight from Philippians 4:6-7 .

In these verses of worrying in the bible, written by Paul while he was a prisoner in Rome, gives us hope and a tried and true prescription, or an approach rather, for combatting the snares of worry.

Philippians 4:6–7 NLT Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

You know how it starts off with “don’t worry about anything”? Those are pretty strong words.

As if we can just force ourselves to stop and not worry. At all. About anything. I’ve tried, and it doesn’t work.

I wonder what that looks like when we have legitimate reasons to be worried. Hello, virus that’s spreading over our world.

Or what if it’s worrying over the health and well-being of our child? Or over a marriage that is struggling? Or worrying about whether or not we’ll have money to cover our expenses?

We have very real, justifiable reasons to worry yet in plain, simple terms this verse says, “don’t”. Don’t do it.

It doesn’t even say don’t worry “except for your health, your marriage, your family, and your financial well-being.” It gets even harsher and says, “don’t worry about anything.”

Really? That maybe kind-of sort-of feels… IMPOSSIBLE. I feel like the author, Paul, wasn’t considering all the world has to offer in the worry category when he wrote this.

He just writes so matter-of-fact and he makes it sound as if it’s so simple, as if it’s a switch we can just turn on and off. Perhaps he had succumbed to being in prison and was losing his sanity and emotion.

worrying in the bible

What does the bible say about worry?

So, how do you overcome worry biblically? What caught my attention from these verses about worrying in the bible were the next two words, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray…”

Maybe Paul did have a heart. He wasn’t leaving us with this harsh command of something that feels impossible; he was giving us an antidote: prayer.

It goes on to say, “Pray about everything.” Basically, he was saying don’t do this, do this instead. Just like a parent to a child. If we want to turn a child’s attention away from something, we offer something else. Our something else for worry is prayer.

Prayer is conversing with God. He’s saying that instead of worrying, talk. Talk to God about it. Tell Him everything.

I don’t know about you but I have a lot to say. When I worry, I have a whole lot to say.

It sounds something like this:

“God, I’m scared. It’s hard to trust you and I’m trying not to worry but my mind is consumed with this issue. I keep trying to figure out a way to avoid it, get out of it, and get through it.

It just looks awful and I’m not sure I can make it. This place consumes me. I feel weak and unable to do anything. I don’t know what to do…”

Sometimes we’re in a place we don’t even have words or know what to pray for. Worrying in the bible also tells us in Romans 8:26 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers…”

Whoa. Even when we do not have the words or know what to say, the Holy Spirit pleads for us.

This is pretty significant! Anytime we are feeling like we’re about to tap out, the Holy Spirit is already there ready to join in the fight and plead for us.

This brings such comfort to me because it reminds me of two things: 1. I’m never alone. 2. When I am weak, I always have the Holy Spirit right on my heels ready and doing battle for me.

This is good stuff! These are truths for us to know and believe!

Worrying in the Bible: A Dose of Tell

The next verse and instruction says: Tell God what you need. I was beginning to see that Paul was presenting a prescription of sorts to us. He wasn’t giving us a harsh command and then leaving us empty-handed. He was giving us tools to combat worry.

Tell God what you need.

“God, I need you. I need: protection…freedom from these fears, doubts, and thoughts… Please make a way for me to get out of this…carry me…remove this obstacle or show me a way around it… I need a friend…for you to show me your perspective… Help me… Build my faith… Give me strength, direction, a miracle, hope, love, and guidance.”

Sometimes we know exactly what we need, yet other times we aren’t sure. Sharing our situation with someone else can help immensely in this regard. What if we were able to enlist their prayers for us as well? What if they were able to hear our struggle and point out exactly the next step we needed to take? 

God longs to hear from us. He desires for us to talk to him.

Worrying in the Bible: A Dose of Thanks

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

There have been times in my life, one time in particular, that I have been very upset with God. I could not even consider to thank God or celebrate God for who He is. In fact, I blamed him. My eyes instantly fill with tears to think of this season because I had fallen for lies when I believed God had hurt me and let me down. It’s just not true.

He cares so deeply for us and he cries with us. He never wants to lose us or hurt us.

I’m speaking from my heart when I tell you that I know this can be hard sometimes.

Thank Him for all he has done.

“Has done” is past tense. How many times have we been through certain situations and then looked back and saw all the things God did in it and through it?

How many of us can say that even though the time was excruciatingly hard to go through we wouldn’t trade the gold we received from it? Have you looked back to note God’s faithfulness?

So what has He done for us?

  • He brought us into this world and made a way for us to be with Him
  • saved us from ourselves
  • sent His beloved Son to redeem us
  • conquered death for us
  • forgave us of everything we’ve ever done or will ever do
  • gave us life
  • gave us an eternal home, family, friends, a mind to learn and dream, a spouse, children, a home. The list is endless.

Consider what all God has done.

  • Has He protected you in the past?
  • Given you strength during a difficult time?
  • Answered prayers for you? Has He done any miracles that you’ve witnessed?
  • Comforted you?
  • Brought a friend to say exactly what you needed?
  • Redeemed you?

Thank Him for this. Thank Him for all he has done.

He will do it again.

He is faithful. It is His nature.

Remember. Throughout the bible we’re told to remember. It’s so easy to move on and easily forget what He’s done. Paul is encouraging us to remember. He’s shifting our focus from our worries to God’s record.

Take time to remember and thank Him for it all. When we do this — turn to thankfulness in our heart and mind — it shifts our perspective.

Overcoming Worry Biblically: Cure

This is the most incredible part of these verses.

Philippians 4:7 Then you will experience God’s peace..

I love this. There’s no “then maybe you will” or “then hopefully you will” or “then if you keep your fingers crossed you will”. It’s a promise. Then you will experience God’s peace.

One way you’ll know it’s God’s peace is that it won’t make sense. Nothing about your circumstances will have changed but you’ll have a peace that covers you and it won’t be anything this world is able to offer you.

It’s supernatural peace. God’s alone.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given peace that passes all understanding. It won’t be found in our own strength. It’s not something we can wish ourselves into or will ourselves to grasp. 

This peace is unattainable in our own strength, but a precious gift from God alone. The incredible beauty is that we’re absolutely promised it. 

Related: 3 Promises of Peace To Cling To When Worried

Paul is encouraging us to exchange worry, for peace. So, how do we stop worrying and find peace? The cure for worry is a little dose of prayer, and little dose of telling, and a little dose of thanksgiving.

Pray. Tell. Thank.

We’re promised it gives peace and this is the true peace our heart and soul longs for in this broken, chaotic, and panic-stricken world.

Related: Overcoming Fear With Faith Is Possible

Bible Verses on Worry

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Worrying in the Bible

Be encouraged! Worrying in the bible is to remind us others have gone through this and God has given us comfort and direction to meet us in our fears!

Remember, pray, tell, thank God and find peace with Him today!

Click here to download your free Peace Toolkit.

Call To Action:

Let today be the day worry is exchanged for God’s perfect peace. Even if it’s a moment by moment battle, God’s word promises us His perfect peace. Spend time in Philippians 4:6-7 praying, telling, and thanking God for all that He has done.

worrying in the bible

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