21 Simple Ways to Slow Down in a Busy World

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How to slow down and enjoy life?

Is it just me or is the world getting busier by the minute? It is more important than ever to slow down and enjoy life before it passes us by. The best day to start is today! I’m sharing 21 Simple Ways to Slow Down in a busy world and enjoy this life we’ve been given today!

how to slow down

How to Slow Down in a Busy World

Let’s face it, life is too fast-paced and feels more hectic and crazier than ever. It practically beckons us to feel the need to do more and be more, just to keep up. It beckons us to wonder, “How to slow down?” in such a busy world?

The problem is getting caught up in the whirlwind of tackling our to-do list and keeping up with all the pulls of life that we can start to miss the joy in our days!

God knew this would happen and He speaks to this very thing in Psalm 46:10 NIV “Be still and know that I am God.”

These 21 Simple Ways to Slow Down are sure to help you conquer how to slow down!

How do you teach yourself to slow down?

You will not need to go to the doctor, but signs and symptoms will present themselves.

Like a warning label on the back of a bottle of medicine: Constant busyness may cause feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, tardiness, frazzled mind, anxious thoughts, feelings of too much to do, belief in not-enough-time-in-the-day, and a need to nap for the last 7.5 years.

If you find yourself here, your best medicine will be the Psalm 46:10 Diet. A steady dose of being still and slowing down will fix you right up! Slow down to enjoy life is a choice away.

How to slow down in a busy world?

The first step is realizing the need to slow down and the command to be still. “Go! Go!” and “The More You Do the Better You Are” are worldly mottos. To follow God’s “Be still” directive is 100% counter to what the world tells us. The choice has to be made to follow God’s word.

Maybe you’re ready to give it a try and slow down, but don’t know exactly how to do it. Is it even possible to live this out in today’s world!?

Yes, it’s possible!

This post will point you in the right direction and help you do just that! Below is a list of 21 Simple Ways to Slow Down in a Busy World and encourage you to enjoy your days a little more – the way God intended!

The point of this list is to encourage and give ideas and strategies to slow down that can be implemented as you feel ready. My hope is that you are encouraged to make small steps that will impact your well-being and bring more joy back into your every day.

How to slow down:

Here are 21 Simple Ways to Slow Down in a Busy World and find more joy in your days. Slow down and enjoy life:

1. Give yourself permission to slow down.

It is ok to be still and slow down. There, I said it.

In fact, God insists you be still. He knows you best and He is saying this for your own good and to pause and give glory to Him. Trust Him and submit yourself to follow through. 

2. Silence the noise.

Unplugging from technology is a great way to practice slowing down. We are surrounded by an endless clamor of beeps, rings, and dings.

Even if it is for a few minutes a day, start somewhere. Turn off the notifications for a period of time and enjoy the peace and quiet around you.

3. Be present.

In a go-go-go world, our mind tends to track multiple activities ahead and is constantly thinking.

For instance, my son asks me a question but I’m lost in thought wondering what I’m going to do for dinner, how I’m going to get one kid to one location and the other child to their appointment, and I’m questioning if I have anything quick to pop into the oven, and debating if I can still finish up what I started yesterday. Oh. Sorry, son, what did you ask?

Be present. I need this reminder daily.

4. Say no.

Saying no is ok!! I have struggled with saying no for a long time because I convinced myself whomever asks is depending on me AND I do not want to let them down. ~ That’s the people-pleaser in me.

I’m learning though that saying no is a necessity. Also, whenever we say yes to something, that means we are saying no to something else. This is gigantic to consider.

So weigh the impact of your response and have the courage to say no sometimes. 

5. Savor your hot beverage.

My mornings start with a cup of hot tea and I LOVE the time I have to enjoy it. If it means getting up earlier to actually enjoy your coffee or morning beverage, do it.

When the kids and I have hot chocolate together late in the day sometimes, they know to be still and slow down. Noticing and appreciating these savoring moments is a very simple way to slow down in a busy world.

6. Look for beauty.

Beauty surrounds us. God created the sun, moon, stars, animals, plants and he made it all GOOD.

Seek beauty out! Pausing to take the time to notice will bring beauty into your day. Slow down in this busy world and notice the beauty surrounding you.

7. How to slow down – Get outside.

A wonderful way to slow down is to spend as much time as you can in the fresh air.

Spending time outside has a range of proven physical and mental health benefits. It’s magical.

Even if it’s for a few minutes to step outside and breathe in a few deep breaths of fresh air, it is an intentional step to slowing down.

how to slow down

8. Look at the stars.

Every time I take the time to look at the stars, I am captivated.

In reality, I do not do this often enough and it is something I want to be better at noticing. The stars are gifts to us! We overlook so many gifts in our life because we are too busy.

9. Listen.

This is a huge one. Don’t just slow down to listen to others, which is certainly important, but also take the time to listen to God, to your body, and the underlying tone your family is speaking.

Listening is a wonderful way to practice slowing down and noticing what is being spoken.

10. How to slow down – Take a break.

We had to take a break this week. We skipped two weekly activities that we normally attend regularly.

I made the executive mom-decision because we were exhausted and needed to rest and be together as a family. It made a huge difference. This break allowed me to reevaluate our schedule and consider adjusting it for next season.

Regarding breaks in our day, I’ve heard of people setting a timer for the last 5 minutes of the hour to stand up and move around. That’s not possible for many jobs (hello, teachers and nurses!) but blocking off 10 minutes or any period of time during the day to be still is a great recharger and practice for slowing down!

11. Breathe.

If you’re reading this, you can check this one off for the day! You did it!!

In all seriousness, being intentional to notice stillness and just breathe is a wonderful practice of being still. Even if it’s for 60 seconds, thank God for the air in our lungs.

12. Clear space on calendar.

If you are feeling frazzled, reviewing your calendar is an important area to start clearing space.

Reevaluate activities and commitments if they are causing overwhelm. If an activity is adding more stress than value, consider dropping it. If that’s not a possibility, finish strong and adjust accordingly for the next season.

13. Start your day well.

The way you start your day usually sets the tone of your day.

Frantic and hectic mornings tend to carry into your day. For me, a perfect start is a cup of hot tea and quiet time reading my bible and journaling. Let’s be honest though – that doesn’t happen every day. In fact, there are seasons where getting up earlier just isn’t an option.

That used to really bother me until I discovered the phrase, “there’s another version of perfect”.

During those seasons, my other version of perfect is listening to praise music while getting ready or worship songs in the car while driving. Both versions give my soul a lift.

A great way to learn how to slow down is by starting your day a little slower. Find a version of perfect for you.

Related: 10 Creative Ways to Spend Time with God

how to slow down

14. How to Slow Down – Clear the clutter.

Clutter brings chaos. When there’s chaos, you attempt to manage it and that is exhausting.

A great way to slow down the chaos is to clear the clutter. When you practice clearing it, your mind settles and rests. 

15. Trust.

Trust God that what is meant to be yours will be. If He has it planned for you, it will happen. Be still and rest in His presence.

Consider pausing in your day to ask God for help trusting Him with everything you’re trying to juggle. Ask for His help.

When we pause, just for a second, and turn to Him, that second can have the greatest impact over our whole day.

Related: Benefits of Waiting Upon the Lord

16. Sit still and don’t feel guilty about it.

Sometimes, I’ll sit down and feel guilty for not being productive or doing something. Do you ever feel like this?

It’s like I have this default setting in my brain that says, “You are allowed to sit still only at night time and once everyone is in bed and your home is in quasi-order for tomorrow.” This is ridiculous. It’s a lie to think you are lazy if you are not busy. I constantly have to override that sucker.

This is true: God tells us to be still. It is hard to do that in this world with our default settings. When we do (and don’t feel guilty about it), it makes such a difference to our day!

17. How to Slow Down – Practice gratitude.

Practicing gratitude is a wonderfully simple way to slow down and find delight in your days. Making the effort to practice gratitude shifts your mind and heart to thanksgiving and appreciation. You’ll love this free gratitude journal!

This is a good practice for kids, too. When the grumbling meter goes up a notch, it usually triggers me to suggest we practice gratitude. 

Related Post: 21 Ways to Encourage Others

18. Get it on paper.

Get your to-do list out of your head and onto paper. Ok, maybe I’m old-school still using paper but at least get it out of your head however works best for you! It can be a sanity-saver.

Prioritize your must-do’s and put items into a manageable list. One way to slow down is by assessing your to-do list. Get rid of anything that doesn’t necessarily need to be done.

19. Schedule downtime.

That’s right, schedule it. If your week is another crazy week, schedule downtime. Don’t just pencil it in, use a sharpie. If it’s a normal week, schedule downtime.

It’s important we make slowing down intentional. If we don’t, it can very easily be pushed to the back burner until we’re completely wiped and forced to have downtime. Scheduling downtime is a great tool to practice to help us slow down in a busy world.

20. Get comfortable in stillness.

It’s not always easy or comfortable being still. Stillness is not what the world encourages. However, the more we pursue it and fight for it, the more comfortable we’ll become in it.

The more we slow down and practice stillness, the more we’ll desire it and make it a priority. Stillness is what God intended for us. He wants us to be still so He can be known.

21. How to Slow Down – Practice Thankfulness.

When we practice thankfulness, it brings our minds into the present. We’re deliberate in giving thanks for the gifts in our day.

This practice slows us down to realize what blessing we’ve been given. Daily practicing thankfulness is a great way to slow down and shift your mind to both the present and to God’s goodness.

How to Slow Down and Enjoy Life More

So the next time you question, “How to Slow Down”, I hope you will try some of these ideas to be still. Slowing down and being still are necessary and needed. It is important to learn to quiet our souls and step out of the fast-paced speed of life. When we do so, we receive His peace, calm, and joy in our day.

Related Post: 11 Ways to Keep Giving Throughout the Year

Call to Action:

Pick one item to put into practice this week.

Want to remember this? Post How to Slow Down in a Busy World: 21 Simple Ideas to your favorite Pinterest board!

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how to slow down

Related Post: Easy Ways to Encourage Others

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