Identity In Christ: Take the Pledge

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What would your life look like if you daily walked out your faith knowing your true Identity in Christ? How different would your life be if you confidently knew whose you are and what freedom you have that is found only in Christ alone?

Your Identity in Christ

Maybe you’re brand new to Christ, or maybe you’ve been a woman of faith for a long time and you just need daily reminders about your identity. Or maybe you’ve been carrying around your failures and mistakes for far too long and you just don’t know what your identity in Christ means.

Sometimes it’s hard to accept what Christ says about us because of our past. We also have a world full of distractions vying for our identity.

But take heart! Christ has overcome the world and what He gives is more powerful than anything that comes against us!

The more we ground ourselves in God’s Word and grow to understand our Identity in Christ, the more confidently we will walk out our faith as God’s dearly loved children.

girl with arms wide open in front of ocean because of identity in christ

Why Declare Your Identity in Christ?

Do you know the quote, “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything” by Alexander Hamilton?

It’s true, and we can apply it to our position and identity in Christ. Without recognizing and knowing who we are in Christ, we can fall for anything else that takes a claim or stake in our identity.

1. Your Identity Needs to be Claimed.

When you become a follower of Jesus Christ, you immediately become a daughter (or son) of the King of kings! It doesn’t matter if this was when you were 12 years old, 22 years old, or today.

Your Heavenly Father identifies you as His very own and sees you through the lens of Jesus Christ.

You have been identified as ROYALTY, DAUGHTER OF THE KING, REDEEMED, FORGIVEN, RIGHTEOUS, AND SET FREE from darkness in Christ!

Here’s the thing –

We didn’t do anything to earn it, we do not deserve it, we know in our souls we aren’t ‘good enough’ to even receive it, but that is what makes our Savior so beautiful. He did it anyway!

Jesus suffered and died so that we could be made right with God ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21

Accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord and walking in your identity in Christ is the greatest adventure we could ever accept!

Related: What is the Good News of the Gospel?

2. Your Identity Needs to Be Known.

It’s so important to have time daily time in God’s Word so we grow deep roots and soak up the truths of the bible. We need to grow in our assurance, confidence, and understanding of our identity in Christ.

He covers you, protects you, and will never leave you.

We need to come alongside each other and affirm our identity in Christ! Lift each other up and make known what our Savior has done and does for us every single day.

Related: For Your Sake

identity in christ

3. Your Identity Needs to Be Lived.

Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10

This life that Jesus is speaking of is for today and eternity! Jesus knows every single obstacle, challenge, and struggle we face and he has committed himself to us.

Our lives no longer need to be crippled. He revives our souls, gives us new life, and freedom to walk out our days!

This is available to you for the taking. You are a blood-bought daughter of the King!

When this is realized and accepted, our families are transformed, our marriages are revitalized, and our world is reached by the good news of Jesus Christ! We are compelled to share what Christ has freely given us!

The gospel is so foolish (according to my natural wisdom), so scandalous (according to my conscience), and so incredible (according to my timid heart), that it is a daily battle to believe the full scope of it as I should. ~ Milton Vincent

Take the Pledge! 31 Days of Declarations to Know Your Identity in Christ

Join me for the next 31 days and declare your identity in Christ! Discover daily who you are in Christ with bible verses to show you from God’s Word your identity.

Declare who you are – your true identity – so that you can boldly and courageously walk out your faith! For 31 days, accept what God says about you. Dwell on each identity marker and scripture passage.

If you’d like to take it a step farther, write each passage down as well.

Sister, Jesus gives His life so that you can know freedom in Him. He gives His life so that you can know the perfect peace that He gives. He died so that you could know true forgiveness.

Accept Him at His word and declare with Him who you are and your true identity in Christ!

This is just the beginning!

Sharing is caring!

5 thoughts on “Identity In Christ: Take the Pledge”

  1. Dorothy Roberts

    Awesome I’m thankful for your post.I will use points from to launch my single parent ministry workshop this Saturday God’s will.

  2. Our theme is Finding our Identity in Christ for this months MOMS group at church. We will share your message and give the 31 day challenge . In this world of anxiety and worry your message is so very important. I will definitely be sharing your web address and name!

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