Are You Embracing Your Identity in Christ?

If you’re not already, it’s time to start fully embracing your Identity in Christ. I think a lot of times we live on the outside – doing, striving, achieving – and forget about the core of our identity. Our very core in Christ is the sum-total, make-up, and heart of everything. If we miss the core, everything else is out of alignment.

Embracing Your Identity in Christ

Do you live fully embracing your identity in Christ or are you still trying to achieve and gain something that’s already been given to you?

We’ve been sought and pursued by the great Initiator of our faith. When we’ve been united to Jesus through faith, we can fully embrace His life as ours!

When you embrace your identity in Christ, your life becomes an outpouring of His indwelling life. The great exchange takes place as we lay down our life each day for His life to live through us!

We no longer have to live for his approval because we’ve been given it through Jesus. In fact, through Jesus, we’ve been given His righteousness, His love, purpose, desire, will, and passions to live out. Yet, so many times we get in the way and still attempt to live our identity, and not His.

So often we accept the invitation and his sacrifice to secure our eternal home but we do not fully embrace our identity. We miss the life we are now meant to live!

Before Jesus, we were utterly condemned. No amount of good deeds could ever earn God’s approval. In our wretchedness, there was nothing we could do to please a Holy God. So, God made a way for us to be approved, “made right with God”, through Jesus! It is Jesus’ righteousness that covers us! No amount of our efforts to be made right -without the power of the cross – can ever achieve this!

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. Ephesians 1:7

Jesus endured the wrath that we should have received from our sins. His forgiveness is complete and completely covers us by His blood. This realization can only bring us to our knees in humility and service to him in pure overflow of gratitude!

So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. Ephesians 1:6

Belonging. Jesus brought us into his royal family! We are daughters and sons of the Living King! This IS the “in crowd”. Nothing comes close to the security and peace this brings knowing that nothing can separate or cut us off from being a blood relative!

Are you living embracing your identity in Christ?

Identity in Christ

Embracing Your Identity As Royalty

Friend, do you live as though you are a daughter or son of the King?

Have you put on your royal clothing – garments of splendor and righteousness – or do you still hold onto your former attire and dead grave clothes?

Do you believe that as a daughter or son of the King you have been fully welcomed and accepted into the King’s Kingdom?

Or, do you think after you accept Christ everything depends on your faithfulness and efforts? Do you believe you have to constantly strive to appease the King?

I believed for a long time that I still needed to do A LOT to maintain my invitation. I accepted the invitation that Jesus had died for me and secured my eternal home but I worked and strived and became exhausted in my soul trying to prove my worthiness and faithfulness.

**Spoiler Alert**

I had it all wrong. 

Let me spare you of this struggle if you are not convinced that you can now fully embrace your identity in Christ as royalty.

The Good News: Becoming Royalty

They call the gospel “Good News” for a reason! Are you fully embracing your identity in Christ as royalty and celebrating this Good News?

Romans 3:23 says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.

No one is able to meet God’s standard. Maybe we understand this when we accept Christ but it tends to get muddied after we become a Christian.

Let’s back up a couple of steps to make clear what we are accepting when Jesus comes into our life.

Sin cuts us off from God’s glorious standard because He is a holy and righteous God.

So, the King sent His Beloved Son to pay the sacrifice for our sins and it is through His righteousness that we are able to come near to a holy and righteous God! His Beloved Son makes us right with God when we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9&10)

Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. Romans 3:24-26

The keys to the Kingdom are available the moment we accept and believe. Our life is exchanged for His life.

Identity in Christ

Romans 5:1-2 says, Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of your faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand. (emphasis mine)

This is a big deal!

Very Important Points to Note: Embracing Your Identity in Christ

Notice these important key take-aways from this passage as you embrace your identity in Christ:

1. We have been made right in God’s sight by faith. Romans 5:1a

Yes, this truth should in fact BLOW YOU AWAY. It does not say, you will be made right in God’s sight when you get your life in order, stop cursing, become a better parent, stop the secret sin, or attend Sunday School every single week.

No, it says that you have been made right in God’s sight by faith.

Does God not care anymore about the sin in our lives? He absolutely cares (!!) but this has no bearing on our acceptance by him. When we become a daughter of the King, we are fully accepted by Him. It is from humility and gratitude that we live our lives to please and honor him.

If you believe you have to take care of anything in order to “be right with God” you are wasting your time. You do not have the power or ability to do so. This is one of the many gigantic gifts of Jesus. HE makes you right with God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Don’t skip over those last two words from Romans 5:1a: by faith. Those words are pivotal. 

Exchange all of your efforts, attempts at striving, trying, mustering up uber amounts of will-power, and working your tail off with faith instead. 

Accept, by faith, that Jesus has made you right in God’s sight. You are a blood-bought daughter and you can now fully embrace your identity as a daughter of the King!

2. We have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Romans 5:1b

This is not because of what you did or anything that you could have ever done or accomplished. It’s only because of Jesus Christ.

It really sounds too good to be true, right? We have such a hard time accepting a gift – especially a gift that wipes our slates clean by the blood of Christ.

Surely there’s something more we have to do to be a daughter of the King?

No. Read it again. We have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

3. Because of your faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand. Romans 5:2

Notice the pivotal word again? Faith.

It’s not by actions, striving, or efforts but, “because of your faith.” It must be accepted by faith alone.

Undeserved privilege. I think it’s safe to say that is the understatement of FOREVER.

We in fact do not deserve this privilege but by faith, we can accept it and embrace our identity in Christ. We have been welcomed as daughters of the King because of Jesus!

Now, I will interject here to say that if there was not a computer screen between us, I would be bouncing out of my skin giddy over these truths! In fact, I’m really trying hard not to use a billion exclamation points and capital letters!

I can’t say this is the best part of these verses because they’re all so good, but this is a fabulous conclusion: reread those verses and check out when this all applies!

NOW. Where we now stand.

The King has opened up His Kingdom and welcomed us as royalty NOW. Not when we get to heaven or reach our eternal home, but now.

We can embrace our identity in Christ today as royalty!

Children of God

Reason #829 that the bible is incredible is that it backs up every single truth.

Daughter of the King, when you accepted and received this unbelievable gift of putting your faith in Jesus Christ, you received the keys to the Kingdom.

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— John 1:12

Are you living your day as royalty and fully embracing your identity in Christ? Are you worshipping the King that gave you the keys to His kingdom? 

Are you living from His approval, forgiveness, and belonging to His family or are you still trying to gain what only Christ has given to you?

If you do not feel like royalty, that does not make this untrue! By faith, you are a daughter of the Most High King!

Call to Action:

Daughter of the King, pray and ask the King to help you fully embrace what He declares of you! Take a moment to look up Romans 5:1-2 in your bible and write these verses down.

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Related Post: I Am Chosen Scriptures

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