Christian Encouragement for the Exhausted Mom

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You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? You strive, work, perform, and serve your family and you’re 100% depleted. Are you an exhausted mom worn out from trying to do everything for everyone? Do you need some encouragement today?

Dear Exhausted Mom, let me tell you there is hope for today to get you through to tomorrow!

Encouragement for the Exhausted Mom

exhausted mom

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So you know you’re in good company, I have to share with you first that I consider myself a Former Reigning Striver and pretty much mastered the art of striving to do everything.

I do not have any official documents or credentials saying so – I never got my Mom Who Strives To Do Everything award, but I was legit.

Unofficially, I would describe my former striver self with the following:

  • If I don’t do it, no one else will.
  • God needs me to do this.
  • I should have done more.
  • I’m capable so I should be able to handle this.
  • Good Christians are supposed to do so much and I’m just not doing enough.
  • I’m doing my best but I know God’s just not pleased with me. 
  • If only I try a little harder, maybe it will all fall into place.
  • I need to do more.
  • My family is depending on me to do everything.
  • I just can’t do enough.

Do any of these ring true for you?

Let me tell you what happened to me.

My Story: Exhausted Mom Flop

I lived way too much of my life this way: striving, performing, and working to please God and whoever else was in my space all to the best of my ability.

My thoughts had been formed to think: I’m capable, able, strong so I should be able to do this. On top of that, I saw other moms doing what I believed I was supposed to be doing. They were rockstars and for the life of me, I could not keep up.

I was way too embarrassed to admit defeat or weakness, Hello Pride. So, I just determined to work harder, strive more, and push myself farther.

Will-power, Determination, and gigantic amounts of Effort and I got to be good friends.

Basically, I did exactly what the world told me to do.

If the world handed me a test on How To Do Everything For Everyone, I would have aced it with flying colors.

The world shouts:

You’re strong enough, you just have to want it bad enough!

Women can do anything they put their minds to!

You have the power within you!

If you want something bad enough, just go after it!

Women can conquer anything!

You can accomplish whatever you desire!


Been there, done that. It doesn’t work. I bet you know this, too.

The farther we go down that path, the more of an exhausted mom we become and the more depleted we feel.

We know deep down we’re not strong enough to do it all. We know we’re losing but it’s just too difficult to admit sometimes.

So, we just keep plugging along until we’re desperate.

That’s what happened to me.

I was desperate for help. 

When Desperation & Exhaustion Meet

Here’s the thing you need to know about me – I grew up in the church and I knew alllll the bible stories. I knew the right answers.

I appreciated and cherished the lessons. God was very real to me and I had a relationship with Him BUT with regards to my ‘take-care-of-everyone-in-my-own-strength’ heart, oh goodness. I was so far off the mark.

Knowing what the Bible says and yet still having an unchanging heart does us no good!

Yes, the answer’s always Jesus. And I could tell you that answer but I did not depend on Him. I relied 100% on myself.

I just didn’t grasp what His grace meant for me. I accepted it for my salvation but I did not depend on it in my days.

It became abundantly clear that I, in myself, truly did not have what it takes. Sure, there are definitely people in the world that seem to be getting by just fine. Knowing what I know now, I am certain that tons of other moms may “look” successful yet they still may have depleted hearts and souls.

As the days (and years) went on, I began to believe my worth came from the sum total of the things I did. Deep down, I believed that my value was based on my performance. 

I was exhausted and convinced my value depended on what I did. This is what I have learned and I have to share with you:

You are not the sum total of the things you do. 

Your worth is not in what you accomplish. 

Your value is not in what you bring to the table or what you do or do not achieve.

I am praying right now that you know this and have not fallen for distorted thinking.

Eventually, I confessed and surrendered that I was 100% utterly exhausted and I couldn’t keep up with my own high demands and expectations of myself.

It was impacting me, my family, and those close to me. I was worn out. My soul was completely exhausted.

So, in exhaustion and desperation, I turned to not just the right answer, but the only Answer that could save me: Jesus.

Here’s the deal with Jesus: we have got to surrender.

Maybe you know this already. Or maybe you’ve just had so much going on you were just convinced you didn’t have the time to go to Him. It’s SO easy to get busy in our day-to-day and not turn to Him until we’ve reached our limit.

It’s scary because we think we’re giving up so much if we do stop to turn to Him, but the truth is, He gives SO MUCH MORE.

Frankly, it’s unbelievable how good he is. But day after day and year after year He remains as faithful as he was since the beginning of time!

These bible verses are reminders for you and me for today. This moment. It’s as if they were written personally for the exhausted mom.

Related Post: What Exactly Is The Good News of The Gospel??

The Lavish Giver

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

  • The abundant life is through Jesus alone. He came to give this to us; not make us work and strive for it.
Christian Encouragement

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippines 4:13

  • Through Christ in us, we can do all things! I’ve never seen, “I can do all things through Erin”. It was never meant to be done through me, or you. It is through Christ alone and he sacrificed himself for us! What a Savior we have!

Jesus said..“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

  • Is there anything sweeter than the gentle, welcoming heart of our Lord? Even when we’re unaware, he’s drawing us out of ourselves into his care and rest.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,.. Ephesians 3:20

  • Truth: He is able to do immeasurably more and his power is at work within us! We must surrender to His authority.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

  • Remain in him and you will bear much fruit! Without him – our own efforts – you can do nothing. He has completely given himself to us. 

Related Post: Who You Are In Christ

It is and will only be through His Spirit that we can find true rest for our exhausted mom hearts and be strengthed by Him.

When this is fully embraced, we can walk with His strength. He motivates our doing. He equips us with his Spirit!

When we walk in His Spirit instead of our own strength, it’s a boost of life that we just cannot accomplish by ourselves. He fills us when we turn to Him.

Related Post: Know Your True Identity In Christ – Take The Pledge!

God’s Grace

Let me tell you something that’s going on right now. God is fiercely pursuing your heart.

You’re not reading this by accident.

He sees your efforts.

He knows your doing.

God wants you to find sweet rest in Him.

God is very aware that you are an exhausted mom and He desires to lavishly give Himself.

His grace is abounding and freely offered for us to experience, to be strengthened with, to be motivated by, and to find sweet rest in TODAY.

You and I are only able to get truly revived through Jesus alone.

Find Rest in Him today.

It may not take everything off your plate. Your world may still have a thousand things going on. You’ll likely still have to cook dinner tonight.

BUT. For this moment, you can rest in Him and have Him fill you up for the next moment.

All He asks of us is to follow and lean on Him one step at a time. He has enough strength to carry us through until next time.

He promises to give us rest.

May you pause and reach for Him today and believe His word that He will give your exhausted mom heart the rest it craves.

Call to Action:

Pray and write out this verse with your name included:

Jesus said..“Come to me, ________, who is weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

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