I hope this short Psalm 139 Devotional brings encouragement to you!
Do you ever find yourself consumed with dwelling on the attitude, responses, or disappointments of another person and you just can’t get away from attempting to dissect the relationship? I found myself here recently and then this realization came to me…
I’m focused on them and He’s focused on me.
As consumed as I can get with focusing on others, God is even more focused on my heart, my attitude, and my holiness.
He’s relentless. It’s the rescue mission that didn’t stop at conversion.
He’s deliberate and unwavering. Nothing will stop Him from pursuing the continual transformation of my heart.
Embarrassingly, I attempt to dodge Him, ignore Him, and admittedly try to avoid Him sometimes for my own selfish pursuits but there’s no escaping Him.
He’s got me securely within His grip.
Reflection of Psalm 139

Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. Psalm 139:7-10
This reflection of Psalm 139 leads me to wonder, isn’t it interesting when we are comforted by His grip and find security there but other times we try to wiggle out and act like our “independence” is the answer? I’m so guilty of this.
We think holding on tightly to our own agendas will be more profitable and beneficial than holding on to Him. What a bag of lies we fall for when we think we know better!
And there He is, always there.
Patient, full of mercy, full of grace. I can never get over His boundless mercy.
Then I wonder, how could I ever think I could find anything else more pleasing or satisfying than within His grip?
Not only that, His beckoning never ceases.
Come to me..
Abide in me…
Rest in me…
You are my beloved.
He has good and wonderful plans for us!
The reshaping into His image continues. He’s in the transformation business and its round the clock 24/7. The daily work of the Holy Spirit doesn’t stop.
So, my friend, let’s meet Him today.
Let’s put all our weaknesses and challenges back in His hands where they belong. Let’s get cozied and sheltered within His grip, protected from the elements.
Our willing Protector and Shield is always worth the submission of our complete selves.
That’s where we trade working for worship and it is the most sacred place we could be.
“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.” Psalm 96:1-2 ESV
Related: Psalm 91 Devotional
What is the significance of Psalm 139 to your daily life? Is there anything that needs to be submitted to Him today?
This short devotional really pierced my heart at a time when I needed it. Thank you for your spiritual direction. God bless you.
I’m so thankful the Lord used this to minister to you! Grateful, Erin
Psalm 139 has been a welcome comfort to me these past few weeks. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Erin <3 God obviously had me stop by your site for a reason today!
I’m so thankful this brought encouragement to you! Big hugs to you, sweet friend. It’s always such a delight to see your name!