Identity In Christ Journal

Identity In Christ Journal

Are you desiring to dive deeper and grow to understand your identity in Christ?

Do you want to grow in your faith but not sure where to start?

Do you want to read your bible more but have no idea where to begin?

Identity in Christ Journal

I’m Erin and I used to struggle for years trying to earn God’s favor. I was convinced that I was only “right with God” if I did the right things. My confidence rested fully on myself and my abilities. I felt like I never measured up and I was exhausted from trying so hard. Oh, what a letdown and challenge it is to live this way!

I read a book that encouraged hearing the gospel each day over and over. It was this habit that got me to realize the importance of consistently being in God’s word and helped me understand WHO I AM now that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. 

This is a passion project of mine now because so many women live defeated lives like I did and that is not God’s purpose for us as Christians. When we understand our identity in Christ, we live from a place of true VICTORY because Jesus makes us 100% safe and secure! Always.

With Him as our identity, we have NOTHING to prove, earn, or fear. He settled everything at the cross and then bestows his identity to us when we believe in him through faith.

Learning this has impacted my life and faith in ways I could never have imagined as I walk out my identity in Christ each day! I wish I had understood this so much sooner!! That’s why I created My Identity In Christ Journal!

You’ve been given a brand new life and identity in Christ! But what does that mean for TODAY? Romans 12:2 says, “but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

For something to become a habit, it needs 21 days of repetition. This journal takes it just a step farther and offers 31 days solely focusing on your new identity!

The My Identity in Christ Journal is putting into practice what God’s Word says of you so you fully know your true identity!


Everything you’ll need to discover and better understand your new identity in Christ! The My Identity in Christ Journal takes you straight to God’s Word each day for consistent bible study, offers bible verses to pray when facing difficult situations, and gives you guidance to pour into WHO YOU ARE in Christ!

You’ll receive:

✅    31 Days of Daily Guided Journal Pages

✅    Gratitude Prompts

✅    Verses to Start the Day

✅    Attributes of God

✅    Identity in Christ List

✅   SOAP Bible Study Method Explained 

✅   You Say vs God Says Cheatsheet

✅    How To Use This Journal Pages

  ….and more!

Each daily journal page will include a small section for daily gratitude, the scripture passage for the day that aligns with your identity in Christ, a daily Attribute of God reminder, and sections for applying the SOAP bible study method.


What if in 31 days you could:


Combat doubt with the AUTHORITY of scripture

Walk BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY as a daughter of the King

Have PEACE knowing Jesus covers you completely

Experience the FREEDOM and JOY of knowing Christ as your new identity



Will I receive the My Identity in Christ Journal in the mail?
This is a digital PDF product. You will NOT receive anything in the mail.The My Identity in Christ Journal will be delivered to your email inbox shortly after purchasing. You can download and print for your personal use.

Will I need any additional items?
Nope! Just the My Identity in Christ Journal and your bible!Make a date to spend a few minutes with God for the next 31 days and you will quickly find that those minutes will become sacred times of your day! After 31 days, the journal includes additional pages you can copy to continue your own personal study!

How long will it take each day?
Each day can take as little as 10 minutes to however long you’d like to dive in. This will ignite your spiritual growth and understanding of God’s Word, and allow the work of the Holy Spirit to transform you into the Godly woman you were designed to be!

When you know Him as your identity, your life will not be the same again!

Sister, you were blood-bought to be a daughter of the living King! It is imperative you know who you are and walk that out each day. It makes all the difference in the world!

Use the My Identity In Christ Journal to guide you as you fill up with nutrients from God’s Word and RENEW YOUR MIND with the TRUTH of who are you are! 

To say THANK YOU for visiting our site, you can buy the journal today for 50% off!

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